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Lynne Segal Ι The Politics of Radical Care
18/12/2023 @ 6:00 μμ - 9:00 μμ
17th Annual Nicos Poulantzas Memorial Lecture
Lynne Segal
The Politics of Radical Care
Monday, December 18th, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF)
Livestreaming on NPI’s Youtube channel
About the speaker:
Lynne Segal is Anniversary Professor, Emerita of Psychology and Gender Studies at Birkbeck, University of London. She was born in Sydney, where she completed her studies in Psychology (University of Sydney) and since 1970 she is based in London, where she has been involved in politics and social movements.
Her writing is important to contemporary radical left feminism. She has supported the alliance between trade unionists, feminists and organizations of the Left; she has challenged gender stereotypes reproduced among feminists in previous decades and notions of femininity and masculinity within a heteronormative conception; she has defended the fluidity of sexual experience and promoted a more inclusive version of left-wing feminism.
In recent years she has been working on the subject of care from a radical perspective. She is among the founders and members of The Care Collective, together with Andreas Hatzidakis, Jamie Hakim, Jo Littler and Catherine Rottenberg, that published “The Care Manifesto” in 2017.
About “Nicos Poulantzas Memorial Lecture”:
The annual “Nicos Poulantzas Memorial Lecture” was launched in December 2007 and has been continuously delivered since then by eminent intellectuals from different countries on a theoretical issue of their choice. The Lecture is not intended to deal narrowly with Nicos Poulantzas’ work, but with the many issues and theoretical perspectives it covers, such as Marxism, socialism and social emancipation, world capitalism, the role of the state, social classes, political economy, political ecology, social movements etc. which at the same time can be useful in political practice.
The first lecture was given by Professor Bob Jessop (“Political Economy, Political Ecology and Democratic Socialism”), the second by Professor Leo Panitch (“The State in the Current Capitalist Crisis and the Strategy of the Left in the 21st century”), the third by Professor Judith Butler (“Performative Politics and the Critique of State Violence”), the fourth by Professor Michael Lebowitz (“Building Socialism for the 21stCentury. The Logic of the State”), the fifth by Professor Erik Olin Wright (“Real Utopias in and beyond Capitalism”), the sixth by Professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (“Europa and the Bull Market”), the seventh by Professor Frank Deppe (“Authoritarian Capitalism: Democracy in decline”), the eighth by Professor Enzo Traverso (“Remembering the Future: the Political Uses of the Past”), the ninth by Professor Wendy Brown (“Neoliberalism Contra Democracy: Ten Theses”), the tenth by Professor Nancy Fraser (“Crisis of Care? On the Social Reproductive Contradictions of Financialized Capitalism”),the eleventh by Professor Angela Davis (“Abolition Feminism: Theory and Practices”) the twelfth by Professor Michael Löwy (Rosa Luxemburg, 1919-2019: Socialism or Barbarism, Internationalism or Nationalism) and the thirteenth by Professor Klaus Dörre (The Bonapartist Exception: Workers, Pincer Crisis and the Revolt from the Right).
The link will be announced soon.
- Ημερομηνία:
- 18/12/2023
- Ώρα:
6:00 μμ - 9:00 μμ